Conditions for Enrolment
  1. Enrolment may be processed for a friend or relative provided it is with their consent.
  2. Formation of classes: Classes are only formed when numbers warrant it. If not viable, fees may, with students’ consent, be adjusted upwards to suit lower demand.
  3. Discipline: The student, upon enrolment, subscribes to the regulations and is then bound to observe them. (Outlined on the bife website
  4. Student property: Responsibility cannot be accepted for any loss or damage to the property of students. This includes motor cars, motorcycles and bicycles on the campus.
  5. Fees must be paid in full before students enter class and are non-0refundable unless a class does not form. Refunds are lodged to the customer’s bank account or refunded online following cancelation of the class. Fees do not include cost of materials, examination fees or registration with professional institutes where relevant.
  6. Transfers may only be negotiated through the Enrolment Centre
  7. The director or Adult Education reserves the right to close a class or vary its hours if it is deemed necessary based on the needs of the Institution. (See points 2 & 5 above)
  8. Smoking is prohibited by law in any part of the Centre
How to Apply Online

Step By Step Guide To Enrolling in Night School Course Online

Visit the BIFE (Bray Institute of Further Education) Website

At the top of the page in the search bar click on the “Part Time” Tab

Now Click on the Evening Classes Link

Select the course you wish to Enroll in from the list to view more information about the course

Next simply click on the “BOOK YOUR EVENING CLASS HERE” button

This will bring you to our partner website for secure payment,

then select the course you wish to apply for

                Now click on the Apply button in the bottom right corner

This will open an application form for you to fill out (Please fully complete all elements of the form) including the tick boxes, as not fully completing the form will stop the completion of your application.

Next click the “PROCEED TO PAYMENT” Button in the bottom right corner of the page

This will bring you to a credit card payment screen

You must have the relevant app on your mobile associated with the Card Used, as a verification check will need to be accepted (through the app)

Please fill out the details as required and proceed with the payment. Upon completion of payment you will receive an email notification of payment and a method to log into your new account

Class Schedule for Spring 2025

Course Week Number

Spring Term 2025

Course Status (Monday unless Stated)

1 20th January Open
2 27th January Open

3rd February 

Bank holiday Monday 3rd February,

Class will be Held on Tuesday 4th


10th Febraury


17th February

Closed for Mid-Terms

24th February 

6 3rd March Open

10th March


17th March 

Bank holiday Monday 17th March,

Class will be Held on Tuesday 18th


24th March


31st March

Extra Week

7th  April

(catchup night for missed classes) 

Please Note: All Dates are subject to change